Saturday 17 June 2017

Thank You!

It has been two months since we started the Sigma Six Q blog on Blogger and subsequently added our Facebook page and Twitter handle. Last week we completed introducing the Sigma Six Q Sustainability model and we now move onto the next phase.

We want to most humbly thank Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi for the Sigma Six Q Sustainability model and for providing us an opportunity to blog details of Dayalbagh, a Sustainable Way of Life, which the Sigma Six Q model tries to simulate.

We would like to thank all of you for your response to our Sigma Six Q blog, the Facebook posts and Twitter tweets. Thanks for your feedback, comments, stories, photographs, re-posts and re-tweets.

We do a once a week blog post on

Every day we try to do one or more tweets and replicate these as Facebook posts. The 140-character tweet limit constrains us sometimes to squeeze some information out, in contrast the Facebook posts are complete. So, I will urge you to follow us both on Facebook ( and on Twitter (

Your retweeting/ forwarding of our posts is very helpful. It helps us take our message to a broader audience and we together under Guidance will be able to make this world a much better and a more sustainable place, while promoting social harmony, peace and brotherhood of man. One of our posts reached 40,000 people on Facebook and 14,000 people on Twitter.

We would like to thank Dr. Anoop Srivastava for providing us directions, expertise and being our reviewer and critic.

I would like to thank our Sigma Six Q Social Media team consisting of my co-bloggers Rima Mehta and Juhi Singh, our designer Aruna Sharma, and our Dayalbagh Literature expert Dr. Dayal Pyari Singh.

Our process includes a quality check by a second person for the weekly blogs. The Facebook posts and the tweets are as of now done solely by me; we hope to add a second person to this team soon to verify quotes and ensure data quality. Our aim is to ensure absolutely correct information is posted and there are no photo-shopped photographs. Irrespective, some mistakes may creep in. And if you spot any mistake, please do drop us a mail and we will be more than happy to correct.

All non-abusive criticism, queries and feedback is welcome.

From this week, some of our weekly blog posts will be from experts outside of the core team. If you have a Sigma Six Q expertise area, deep understanding of its implementation in Dayalbagh (or Dayalbagh institutions) and want to contribute to our blogging, drop us a mail at For example, Dr. Satya Prakash, a water quality expert at Dayalbagh helped us with the Water Quality post.

To sum up our current needs:

  1. We are looking for a volunteer who can help us on/ do the Facebook and Twitter posts. The person should have strong communication skills and a deep understanding of the Dayalbagh Way of Life.
  2. We are looking for volunteers who can help us translate our blogs/ tweets/ posts into Hindi, Telugu and Tamil.
  3. We are looking for experts in the Sigma Six Q areas who can blog on Sigma Six Q topics. Even if you can provide information for a post, we can help create the post.
  4. We require very good quality photographs and small write-up of events that would fall under a Sigma Six Q Quality.

This is a blog by and for people who want this world to be a better place, who want Planet Earth to sustain happy human life for times to come. Let us make it successful.

Best Wishes,
Anurag Singh
Sigma Six Q Blogger

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