Sunday 24 September 2017

Reflections on the Sigma Six Q Outreach

In this post, I thought it will be a good idea to reiterate the purpose of this blog, our objectives and the outcomes that we have been able to attain to date.

Every day, we hear or read about Sustainability. There are so many theoretical constructs on climate change, overpopulated continents, lack of education; debates on need vs. greed, secular vs. communal, atheism vs. agnosticism vs. monotheism vs. polytheism. There are brotherhoods of terror, there is poverty, malnutrition, slums, predatory men, child abuse and trafficking, gender based violence, regional conflicts, child labour, child marriages, nuclear weapons and missiles, war crimes, neo-Nazis, falling morals, polluted air, drying rivers, receding glaciers, plastics… The list goes on and on.

There are so many attributes to work on for Sustainable Human Life on Planet Earth, and these attributes are not just natural resources. And each of these attributes interacts with the other!

And as artificial intelligence becomes a larger part of our lives, values become more important, as the consequences of deranged values will get more amplified.

Our aim through this outreach is to highlight long term sustainability solutions, solutions that have been scale tested in the melting pot in Dayalbagh, and are not some utopian theoretical solutions. These are practical implementations taking into account the socio-economic effects on society.

In our blogs and posts we have talked of Agriculture, Dairy, Values Inculcation, Women’s Empowerment, Innovation, Renewables, Air, Water, Education, Marriages, Healthcare, Community Services, and building the next generation of super-humans that are smarter, morally upright and grounded.

We hope to convert this outreach into a movement with Dayalbagh as the reference implementation of this Sustainable Way of Life. You and me, are both emissaries of this outreach and role models of the Dayalbagh Way of Life.

There is a long-long way to go though, Billions to reach!

We have presence in three of the social media platforms. We are on the blogger site (, on Facebook ( and on Twitter ( Our posts are primarily in English, and we plan to attempt other languages before the end of the year. Details as below.

1. Weekly Blog Post on Blogger
    • Between 600 to 1,500 words, typically posted every Friday afternoon/ evening IST
    • We have done 23 Blog Posts to date
    • Our Top Post is the one by Dr. Bani Dayal on “Supermen of Dayalbagh: A Glimpse into Their Unique World”, with a view-count of 17,319. This post is followed closely by a post by Ms. Juhi Singh on, “Made-in-Heaven Marriages”, with a view-count of 16,163.
    • About 68% of our viewership is from India, 22% from US, 5% from Germany and 5% from other countries.

2. Facebook Posts (about 5 every week)
    • Complement the Weekly Blog Post
    • We have done 200+ posts to date.
    • In a four-week period we reach close to a Quarter Million Unique Individuals
    • Our Top Posts have reached close to hundred thousand people each with Ten Thousand Reactions, Comments and Shares for each. The top post has been on Values, on Brotherhood of Man, and one on Children’s Learning.

3. Twitter Tweets (about 5 every week)
    • Complements the Weekly Blog Post. Similar to the post on Facebook, sometimes shortened because of character limitations.
    • We have done 200+ tweets to date.
    • Every day we create close to Ten Thousand impressions on Twitter, with the top tweets creating close to Twenty Thousand impressions.

Why am I telling you all this?

In a public meeting in Dayalbagh on 28th December 1936, Revered Sir Anand Sarup ji was graciously pleased to observe that a study of the history of the world reveals to us that, in the past, some nation or community has always been selected from time to time for carrying on the work of the advancement and progress of humanity and that in pursuance of this law this honour has now fallen to the lot of the Satsang Community. That the services of the Satsang Community be utilized in drawing the attention of the nations of the world to the necessity of true spiritual life, social equality and devotion to duty…1

Further in a chat with Satsangis, Revered Sir Anand Sarup ji on the evening of 23rd June 1937 on the Beach in Madras, said, “Never, Never, during my life have I shirked my duties and responsibilities. I have always discharged my duties and responsibilities without fear or hesitation and without sparing myself, with the result that my efforts have achieved success to the chagrin of enemies and to the joy of my friends”.1

It is OUR bounden duty to be of service to ALL of humanity and to be of service to Planet Earth.

In our interactions with Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, what I understood is as follows:

  • The message, practices and the model of the Sustainable Dayalbagh Way of Life needs to reach many more individuals and communities in a spirit of brotherhood, participation and dialogue, so that all of us, together can make this planet a better place for all humanity and other life forms.
  • As use of super-intelligent machines becomes widespread, Values need to be highlighted and emphasized; our Innovations should be governed by a strong value system.

What can you do in this outreach?

1. Follow us, read our posts

2. Like, Share and Comment
    • Your comments are very useful for us, gives us a feel for the pulse and keeps us motivated
    • And we would love to have a dialogue even if you have a differing opinion

3. You could blog with us
    • Send us your Ideas/ thoughts for the weekly blog
    • Share write-ups
    • Share content (photographs etc.)

4. And lastly, to err is human, so there would be mistakes in the Blog/ Posts/ Tweets from time to time, we will correct these if you make us aware.

Our contact email ID is

Happy Dusshera. May our “Good” always win the fight over our own Evil”!

Anurag Singh


  1. Writings and Speeches of Param Guru Huzur Sahabji Maharaj


  1. Great effort in the well being of mankind and good earth

  2. It's so heartening to know that the outreach has already had such a tremendous impact...this is obviously just the beginning but it will, with time, bring an everlasting change in every sphere of life across the world

  3. Doing very commendable job. Radhasoami.

  4. A wonderful blog! But sir, I just have this one doubt regarding the dairy industry. Isn't the dairy industry cruel? I'm not talking about Dayalbagh dairy. As far as I've seen they artificially impregnate the cow, steal its new born and send it for slaughter if it's a male, once the cow stops lactating they send that for slaughter as well! Even if we take out the killing part isn't it an inefficient way of using our resources and cows produce copious amounts of methane(there is a data which tells that the amount of greenhouse gases from animal agriculture is greater than the transportation sector). So is it okay for us to consume baby calf growth fluid?

    1. All life (including plant life) on planet earth has some level of consciousness. Each of us as a community/ individual draws a line somewhere in terms of acceptable food choices. We as a community draw the acceptability line (for ourselves) where plant products and milk are acceptable food choices.
