Friday 21 December 2018

हे दयाल सद् कृपाल।

The best way to start a day is with a prayer. A prayer not just for our own self, or limited to our families, but for the benefit of everyone in this world, a prayer with faith in Fatherhood of God and a firm belief in brotherhood of all.
The Dayalbagh Educational Institute's Vision book starts with a Foreword from Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, which has the Institute's prayer for Grace and Mercy for ALL of God's children. The secular prayer is in Hindi and is further translated into seven other languages for the benefit of the readers.
Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi

Students start the day with the Institute prayer
Prayer and translations extracted from the Foreword of the Book are in the post below.

A prayer is an auspicious way to start any activity, and if you start each day with a prayer, every day of your life will be auspicious. Teaching our children to pray from a young age, a prayer, that additionally strengthens their belief in brotherhood of man could be the best gift we can give to the coming generations, something that will give them a world of peace and calm, and allow them to tide over the crisis of divisiveness the whole world faces today.



  1. Starting a day with a prayer keeps the person under a blissful spell. It conditions his conduct, attitude and approach towards his work and other humans in an extremely positive way. And you very rightly wrote, it fortifies the person to tide over turbulence of life in a bold and befitting manner. For kids, this practice lays sound foundation for growing holistically with divine grace.

  2. Starting the day with prayer bestows gratitude and grace to our thoughts and actions. It instils courage and fearlessness and directs us to the path of better worldliness and a firm belief in the concept of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God.

  3. ज्यादा राधास्वामी

  4. राधास्वामी

  5. commencing a day with prayer improve your possitive thoughts through out the day, which inturn gain for you in your spiritual domain. Radhasoami

  6. Radhasoami

    It’s a Humble request you to correct the below lines of “Our Prayer – Hey Dayal Sadh Kripal” in Hindi & English versions.

    Highlighted the typos in upper case letters.

    In Hindi,

    Line -- “Kripa drishthi NIJ mehar vristhi”

    In English,

    Line -- “We PROSTRATE at thy Lotus Feet”

    My sincere apologise for any inconvenience.
