Thursday 18 May 2017

Sigma Six Q: Agriculture and Dairying - The Fifth Quality

We greatly appreciate the interest and feedback we have received till now.  Our posts till date have covered the first four Qualities for a Sustainable Way of Life:  Innovation, Air Quality, Water Quality, and Education and Healthcare.

This leads us to our fifth Quality for a Sustainable Way of Life: Agriculture and Dairying.

In the words of Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, “Agriculture gives us an opportunity to do selfless service and it is recognized in the country that there is still great opportunity to develop agriculture. If we want to reach our progress in the country to all sections of people in Society, it is necessary to introduce entrepreneurship, innovation etc. in agriculture also for realizing desired progress and development. So far, we are performing sowing operations of paddy by transplanting its saplings from one field into the other. Now there is a variety of it, which is being planted in about 9-10 acres, which gives us better yield even without transplantation. It takes less time also and gives us good yield also. So, we have to observe all these and if they are to be experimented upon, in fact we are already doing that. I am telling all this because it is all included in Dayalbagh way of life. You may not be aware of all this, you may not be able to comprehend it, but all these novel methods and modern policies are being implemented in Dayalbagh for improvement of the quality of life here. Agriculture and Dairying form the fifth component which is an important sector.”1

Dayalbagh has been at the forefront of both the Green and the White revolution making efforts in an innovative symbiotic relationship based upon the principle of  “Waste Nothing!” as propounded by Revered Mehtaji Maharaj.

Revered Mehtaji Maharaj had started Agriculture work on a large scale in Dayalbagh in 1943 to contribute to the national India’s efforts to grow more food, to enable the colony to become self-sufficient in its requirement of food grains and to give all Satsangis (followers of the Radhasoami faith), residents and pilgrims an opportunity for seva (selfless service). Residents without distinction of status, men, women, boys and girls daily performed physical work on the farm by way of seva which has become a way of life.2

Dayalbagh practices need-based, environmentally friendly, largely organic and sustainable agriculture based on scientific principles. The Dayalbagh farms produce grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits for the residents and the community kitchen (Dayal Bhandar); green fodder (Berseem, Maize, Sorghum, Pearl-millet), wheat and barley straw, wheat and barley grains and some by-products of the crops such as oil-cake and molasses for Cattle and herbs and fruit for the Pharmacy.

As explained by Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, “More and more systems studies have been carried out in various fields of activity of the Satsang Community to optimize practices e.g. optimum crop rotation and irrigation pattern in agriculture; optimum feed patterns for cattle in dairy; various energy conservation measures of electricity; water conservation”3

The Dairy in Dayalbagh was established as a Gaushala (Cowshed) in 1929 and was upgraded into a full-scale dairy in 1930. At that time, it had 141 heads of cattle, many of which were Montgomery and Hissar breeds.  It was adjudged as the Best Dairy in Asia and was commended as second best in the world at an international competition in USA.  As observed by Sir Malcom Hailey at that time referring to Bhagwat Purana, “there are mountains of butter and oceans of milk in Svarga (heaven). If the Dayalbagh  Dairy is successful, it would not then be impossible that Dayalbagh might become the model of heaven.”

Today the Dairy plays a pivotal role in tending to the needs of Dayalbagh residents and the Dayalbagh Educational Institute through various dairy products, primarily fresh, unadulterated milk and ‘Cupid’ butter and various milk products. It also serves as a forum for live and experiential observations and skill development for the 120 students of graduate and post graduate level courses in Dairy technology. It has the necessary food and export licenses, the dairy products produced by students have also been exported to USA.

The model in operation is unique and covers multi-dimensional aspects for attaining high quality of milk at minimum cost of production.  There is close operational collaboration between Agriculture, Gaushala & DEI.

A group of volunteers tends to the 1000+ cattle taking utmost care to relieve cattle stress through caring and nurturing as well as use of technologies to monitor several dairy farming processes.

At the Dairy, there is emphasis on undertaking treatments using Homeopathy and Ayurveda which does not affect milk quality unlike the use of antibiotics. There is a “Cattle Rehabilitation” center where older cattle are housed and treated.

It is these innovative practices that make the Dayalbagh model a self-sustaining society.

We welcome and encourage comments and sharing of experiences on any of the five qualities. We look forward to your feedback. Do follow us on facebook ( and on twitter (@SigmaSixQ). You can also subscribe to our posts via email (link on the right).

The above post is by Ms. Rima Mehta and Anurag Singh.

  1. “The Dayalbagh Herald” dated Tuesday, June 21st, 2016.
  2. Special Souvenir Param Guru Dr. Lal Sahab
  3. “The Dayalbagh E-herald” - Autobiographical Retrospectives dated 28th August 2007


  1. Comprehensively explained.

  2. Interesting article on agriculture and dairy

  3. Agricultural practices which lead to optimum yields are the need of the time so that there is enough food for all.The practices being followed in Dayalbagh not only achieve this but also ensure sustenance of the ecosystem.


  4. Wonders happening at Wonderland Dayalbagh .

  5. In current fast-paced, materialistic life style, when most people are asleep, the residents of Dayalbagh are doing 'shramdaan' in the agricultural fields which also helps them in keeping good health and leading quality life.

  6. Dayalbagh set an example by maintaining five qualities in pracice for better worldiness.
    Wonderful efforts by the Dayalbagh - Garden of Merciful.

  7. World will the Dayalbagh way of life in future

  8. Dayalbagh,a leader and trendsetter. All the countries of the world are still signing pacts, holding conferences on climate change, arguing on which countries need to take the responsibility and still trying to implement measures to contain the adverse effects on agriculture and Dairying due to climate change. Dayalbagh since it's inception has taken measures to see that there's self sustainability. Indeed, an eye opener,a model to be emulated.

    1. Mam!but isn't the diary industry cruel in general!? and this is responsible for most of the green house gas emission in the world even greater than all types of fossil fuel put together.The cows are are artificially inseminated every year and their calf stolen as soon as its born ,if it's a male it is killed for veal and if it's a female it grows up just to be like mommy!and once thier lactating period stops the cows are sent to slaughter houses. This is what generally happens in the diary industry and I know the we would never kill an animal in our diary but is it sustainable to keep it till it's natural death around 20 to 25 years and feed it with adequate food and water!?

    2. I don't know how well you are acquainted with functioning of the Dayalbagh Dairy. It's almost impossible to find one where the cattle are taken for an early morning walk, given cooling showers, made to listen to music (path i.e.shabdas from the holy books composed to lilting music), given adequate amount of fodder, taken to the fields regularly for green fodder and given homeopathic and ayurvedic treatment. Each has a UID to keep track of all relevant information. When they grow old they are shifted to the Rehabilitation centre and cared for with the same fervour. In Dayalbagh, the feasibility of looking after the old is not even ever questioned. Just as we look after our old parents without questioning the feasibility, these cattle have served us and therefore well looked after.
      The Dayalbagh Dairy should serve as a role model for the world...the connect with the environment is almost on a Spiritual plane. Therefore the pravtices that are followed both in Agriculture as well as Dairying are exemplary.

  9. Abhishek Vatsa19 May 2017 at 10:27

    Now-a-days when jobs are less and environment is degrading, world leaders are talking about sustainable development every where. Kyoto protocol has been implemented to curb the emmission of CO2 levels. In India, Dayalbagh is setting examples of high standards research not only in the field education but in agriculture and dairy farming too. They are using best practices to make it more sustainable and also encouraging entrepreneurship into these fields which help people to generate employment and give a sense of self sustainabiity. All this is going at a very fast pace at Dayalbagh under the supervision of our Revered leader 'Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi'. He is a true inspiration for all of us and gave us this opportunity of selfless service to serve human race and generate fruitful results for the betterment of our people and country.

  10. Feel priviledged to be associated with RSS Gaushala

  11. Inspiring and influential article -a must for every one who think themselves as game changers of practical lives.

  12. We believe that such efforts from Dayalbagh dairy would make it a top dairy in Asia again and may be the entire world

  13. Great effort in the field of Agriculture and Dairying for the benefit of mankind.It will help in creating a New World Order.

  14. Agriculture and dairy are the back bone for development of society.The initiative is commendable.

  15. This is new era in Agriculture and dairy

  16. It's amazing to read and visualise the way of life we have been involved in unknowingly.. Working towards the betterment of the people and making the world a better place is the mantra! :)

  17. Really Dayalbagh is going to be a good example to the entire world and iam proud to be one of the follower of it

  18. This is only one but very important part of Sigma six Q.

    Basic values of Indian civilization with higher thoughts of our saints.

  19. Wonderful efforts.Dayal bagh way of life is answer to all worldly problems.

  20. Agriculture and dairy development are key to success.

  21. Your concern for environment and cattle is well understood and appreciated. However , things take a twist when it comes to Dayalbagh- The Garden of Merciful better known as DAYALBAGH.
    Dayalbagh is in itself a Self Sustainable Society that supports sustainability from Cradle to Grave. Not to forget all it's allied resources, departments and Functions function on the same model, Dayalbagh Dairy being no exception.
    To understand and get assurance about it one needs to visit the Dayalbagh
    Dairy. Its noteworthy that all the institutions and facilities of Dayalbagh are a Century old and are functional and growing better with each passing game day with THE GRACE OF ALMIGHTY.
    We are equally, rather more concerned about the sustainability aspect.

    However I really appreciate your well raised concern for rest of the dairies.

  22. from this role model quality, of agriculture & dairing, we all Indians must pray and take a pledge of enterpreneurship for growth of Indian industry so as to make India stand on its feet. If industry grows, all will work TOGETHER and brotherhood of man develops which strengthen the country. this way Indians can serve the people of world by providing products and low cost. Dayalbagh is an example and all world must emulate for quality way of life and for sake of world peace with formula of FATHERHOOD OF GOD & BROTHERHOOD OF MAN. Everyday we must keep our eyes ears hearts open to watch new innovations in Dayalbagh to make our lives rich with Quality.

  23. Credit goes to our young staff those have dedicated their lives and surrendered unconditionally to serve with devotion to achieve the goal/mission of HuzurRadhasoami Dayal to bring its dairy again the best in the world

  24. Selfless service is given highest importance in Radhasoami Faith. This also helps in controlling and subduing the mind.

  25. What a great sewa at Dayalbagh Khet! In the early morning, after morning Satsang, Satsangies brothers and sisters work for about 2 or 3 hours. They work with the name of Ra-Dha-Soa-Mi. They get much spiritual benefits who works. I & my wife always take part this Sewa when we go to Dayalbagh. And we get direct Spiritual benefits. Dayalbagh Dairy Sewa is also a great sewa. Dayalbagh Dairy provide milk & butter to whole Dayalbagh Colony that is our basic needs.
