Saturday 3 June 2017

Sigma Six Q: Values - The Sixth Quality necessary to bind it all together

Your response to the Sigma Six Q blog, the Facebook and Twitter posts has been awesome.

In the previous posts, we have introduced the Sigma Six Q model and covered the first five Qualities for a Sustainable Way of Life:  Innovation, Air Quality, Water Quality, Education and Healthcare, and Agriculture and Dairying.

The sixth and final Quality for a Sustainable Future is Values; a Quality that binds everything together.

As stated by Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, “Now what is the sixth excellence, i.e., Quality. That is a very great necessity for our country. You see how many scams are here in the country. How atrocities are committed against women. In order to stop all these, our value system should be refurnished. Our life style has this special emphasis on giving value based education. Thus, we give due place for application and practice of abstract values in our way of life. Only then is it possible to stop the different types of scams and atrocities. In the opinion of some people, we should have more money to spend to live good life. But in our life style of Better Worldliness, we require to awaken our inner spiritual consciousness where there is the kingdom of our Inner True Self, rather than the rule of and authority of mind, intelligence and matter alone.”1

The underlying threads that ensure Dayalbagh’s success in its efforts is a common base of Values.   As summarized by Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, “Here again we try to pursue abstract human values that I learnt right since my primary schooling days such as Duty, Beauty, Humility, Courage, Temperance, Wisdom, Loyalty, Justice.”2

These values becoming part of every individual’s DNA is all the more important in a world moving towards automation and digitization, a world moving towards super-intelligent machines.

Dayalbagh’s education system inculcates these values in all students from pre-school onwards. Dayalbagh Education Institute’s Education Policy, as formulated by the Founder Director, Revered Dr. M. B. Lal Sahab aims “to bring about physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical integration of an individual with a view to evolving a complete man who possesses the basic values of humanism, secularism and democracy and who is capable of giving a fuller response to social and emotional challenges.”3

Further as explained by Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, “Such a man is called Superman. He will not come into existence in a day; he will evolve gradually as the human body evolved gradually according to Darwinian principle. As is the case of the body, mind and spirit will also evolve gradually, and the spirit and the mind will become so pure that a Superman will come into existence. This is a gradual development, a gradual evolution.”4

Revered Prof. Satsangi further explains, “Our object here (Dayalbagh) in creating the so-called superman who imbibes all the qualities of physical faculty, mental faculty and spiritual faculty would then be the true achievement of the goal of education, as enshrined, in Sanskrit, in the proverb, that is education which leads to complete emancipation.” 5

Dayalbagh aims to get these values of Duty, Beauty, Humility, Courage, Temperance, Wisdom, Loyalty and Justice imprinted into the subconscious from early childhood. The Sant-Su(perman) Evolutionary Scheme that is open to all children aims to create this race of Supermen, humans with ingrained values, values that all free, democratic, secular and humanist nations cherish. We will further explain the Sant-Su scheme and its implementation in future posts.

That completes the six Qualities required for a Sustainable Way of Life. In the next post, we plan to summarize the Sigma Six Q model.

We would love to hear your stories, your views, your implementations/ experience with these six Qualities and their implementation. You can drop us a mail at

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The above post is by Ms. Rima Mehta and Anurag Singh.

  1. “The Dayalbagh Herald” dated Tuesday, June 21st, 2016
  2. “The Dayalbagh Herald” dated Tuesday, May 17st, 2016
  3. “The Dayalbagh Herald” dated Tuesday, January 26th, 2010
  4. “The Dayalbagh Herald” dated Tuesday, January 08th, 2008
  5. “The Dayalbagh Herald” dated Tuesday, January 26th, 2010


  1. The value inculcation system of Dayalbagh is being practiced there since a very long time. References of women education in matters related to consciousness studies are found in some old publications of Dayalbagh. The Superman scheme initiated at Dayalbagh not only encourages children from a very young age to imbibe in them the thought of serving others but also imbibes the qualities of ideal motherhood and fatherhood in their parents. I'm personally experiencing all this as my daughter got the good fortune to be a part of this scheme.

    The Superman scheme benefits both the children and their parents.

    In the famous lines quoted by Swami Vivekananda , " The uplift of the women and the awakening of the masses must come first, and then only can any real good come about for the country, for India.
    We must see to the growing of our women as ideal matrons of home in time. The children of such mothers will make further progress in the virtues that distinguish the mothers.
    It is only in the homes of educated and pious mothers that great men are born".

    Ref :
    1. Great Indian social reformers and philanthropists
    2. Blog :

  2. Reghtly stated that perfect education like Dayalbagh education system, is only panacea for all scams and atrocities. Inner spiritual consciousness only can make India and World free from all such evils and ills of society. All should take a pledge for quality living and Better worldliness. Serve humanity and give comfort to all. sabko sukh pahunchav - tere bhale ki kahun

  3. Reghtly stated that perfect education like Dayalbagh education system, is only panacea for all scams and atrocities. Inner spiritual consciousness only can make India and World free from all such evils and ills of society. All should take a pledge for quality living and Better worldliness. Serve humanity and give comfort to all. sabko sukh pahunchav - tere bhale ki kahun

  4. DAYALBAGH -A True guide,which is leading the world towards The Better Worldiness and True Spirituality

  5. Dayalbagh Model of India has to be Followed by the World Not only for the Better Worldiness but also for inculating Sanskaaras and Moral values in our future generations, the backbone of the mankind.

  6. It is pre requirement in present scenario where world is going in the direction with no social values.It becomes necessary to inculcate values from childhood only.

  7. Puneet Chowdhry5 July 2017 at 12:44

    In today's world mired with several complexities and challenges, here is one Faith which is demonstrating its true role and leading community consciousness initiatives from the forefront, which only can solve the problems for future generations and for establishing World Peace.

  8. The values serves as binding force in social structure without them the structure will crumble.

  9. Dayalbagh system nurtures moral,ethical,spiritual values and qualities since beginning which helps in their constructive building



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