Friday 22 December 2017

‘Glory be to the Aryas’! Supermen of Dayalbagh!

This week our post is by Dr. Bani Dayal Dhir, Assistant Professor at the Department of English Studies, Dayalbagh Educational Institute. Recipient of the Institute’s prestigious Director’s medal throughout her studies, her primary research interests include Literature and Systems Theory and Consciousness studies, exploring the application of Generalized Physical Systems Theory Modelling, Interpretive Structural Modelling, Quantum Theory and Science of Consciousness in the study of literature.

Dr. Bani writes...

In our life style of Better Worldliness, we require to awaken our inner spiritual consciousness where there is the kingdom of our Inner True Self, rather than the rule of and authority of mind, intelligence and matter alone.                     
                                                                        -Revered Prof. P. S. Satsangi Sahab

If the Greek philosopher Plato’s dream of an ideal Republic, over centuries, has remained a figment of imagination, the English humanist thinker,  Sir Thomas More’s ‘Utopia’ has remained ‘no place’, as the word etymologically stands for, His Holiness Huzur Sahabji Maharaj’s Divine Dream of creating ‘Arya Nagar’, an ideal place on earth, has come into existence in Dayalbagh. 

“Arya Nagar” of Revered Sir Anand Sarup ji’s Dream: An Interpretation

In 1937, the August Founder of Dayalbagh, Revered Sir Anand Sarup (Huzur Sahabji Maharaj), gave a graphic description of the dream He had dreamt. The description of the dream is in the form of dialogue between Huzur Sahabji Maharaj and the Aryas of Arya Nagar. Marked by poetic prose, dramatic representation, and spontaneity, the narration engages the readers and instantly transports them to the world of Aryas.

In the dream a melodious sound of music engaged Huzur Sahabji Maharaj’s attention. He took His walking stick and proceeded in the direction of the music. He saw a magnificent gateway tastefully decorated with two smaller ones on either side before which two giant elephants were dozing peaceably. Huzur Sahabji Maharaj describes:

At the gates pujarees sat singing to the accompaniment of music the glories of the Almighty. He proceeded forward to enquire into the matter and as soon as He came near the arch gateway, the gate keeper shouted the welcome, Glory be to the Arya.
But! My good man,” Huzur put in, I want to know who you people are, whence you come and what on earth you are after.
O Arya!” replied the gateman we have been living here since time immemorial and are known to the world as 'Aryas'.”

As one reads the vivid description of the Holy Dream, one marvels at the resplendent colours of values, imbuing the lives of “Aryas”. The clash of power forces, the notion of “I above everyone”, the binary oppositions of ruler /ruled, self /other do not exist in Arya Nagar. Aryas are taught the value of ‘work is worship’. Huzur Sahabji Maharaj narrates his conversation with an Arya:

“What on earth makes you toil so hard, carpenter?” Huzur enquired. “But we are not carpenters", we are 'Aryas'. There is no other caste here besides the 'Aryan'.
There is no distinction of worldly position among us. We are all equal. Differences of avocation do not separate us from one another. Everyone is free to choose his own calling after his own aptitude, but we are also prepared to discharge other duties if and when necessity arises. We are all parts of a single machine. And have no individual locus standi. Everyone works for everyone else”.

Social monsters like pride, avarice, jealousy creep into the social structure when individual interests undermine the interest of the community. Increased appetites and addictions, alienation and isolation, tensions in diverse communities, the ‘hegemony of some’ give rise to socio-cultural and economic dichotomies, necessitating the formation of penal code. Huzur Sahabji Maharaj’s Holy dream envisions a world where there is no penal code because the principle of equality governs Arya Nagar. The Aryas have conquered their selfish ulterior motives. To quote an excerpt from the dream: 

How do you protect yourself from such social evils as greed, avarice, jealousy etc. and what punishment do you award to criminals?” Huzur enquired.
“Social evils are an impossibility here, and therefore we have no penal code. Such social evils can only exist when there is a clash of interests, and when we have no individual interests, such an eventuality is unthinkable.

The dream abounds in literary beauty. It is layered with symbolic connotations. The dream is not a simple description of a colony called Arya Nagar and the multifarious activities and daily routine of Aryas. The dream unravels the birth of a new era in the history of creation. The dream is not a simple description of a small community of workers, but it has deep metaphysical concerns embedded in it. It is about achieving  true salvation and redemption from the world, its misery  and the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth in the fourth cycle of creation. To quote an excerpt: 

Presently, the ringing of bells proclaimed the procession of one which the tutor explained, was the Chief Arya of the day.
But you said you had no leader,” Huzur reminded him.
And I had spoken just the truth. We are a community of workers and the best worker among us is the Chief Arya of the day. He is seated on an elephant and taken in a procession round the whole colony.

In the statement of the Arya “the best worker among us is the chief Arya of the day”, the  Chief Arya  refers  to the Spiritual Preceptor or Adept or Param Sant, Who is also the  Chief Mentor of the entire Arya Nagar and symbolically the entire creation.  The Chief Arya is one Whose spiritual faculties are fully developed  and Who is  always in unison with the Supreme Being and, thus, is in a state of “Param Satchitpremanandprakash Swaroopam”. The Aryas cannot steer their course across the ocean of the world without the protection, Guidance, Help and  Grace of the Chief Arya.

Aryas who are evolving as complete human beings by developing their physical, mental and spiritual faculties, learn the secret of the Supreme Being and ‘of the path and method of proceeding on that path’, under the Guidance of the Chief Arya. It is to be remembered that when Aryas perform spiritual meditational practices, they can ascend higher spiritual regions only when Chief Arya helps them and accompanies them  in the spiritual plane. The statement of the Arya “one who works the most becomes the Chief Arya” symbolically suggests the continuous working of the Chief Arya at the physical plane, at the plane of the Universal Mind, and the Pure Spiritual plane for the redemption of Aryas of Arya Nagar, thereby the entire creation. “One day” symbolizes one glorious era or a grand epoch of the selected Chief Arya.

Debates and discussions of all kinds have inundated the world since antiquity regarding the paths leading to salvation, and the usual solution offered  has been  ‘renunciation’, becoming an ascetic. Huzur Sahabji Maharaj’s dream of “Arya Nagar” is a beautiful exemplification of becoming perfect human beings, ‘complete human beings’ without building a ‘hermit’s cave’ and leading the life of a recluse. The dream enunciates the nucleus of Radhasoami philosophy which unravels before the world “the New World order” advocating “better worldliness”. The Arya of Arya Nagar blossoms like a lotus , untouched by the polluted drops of the world, showcasing how to rebuild the world impregnated with new values and qualities, removing the filth and pollution of all kinds by remaining within the world, not by relinquishing it.  The social institutions are honoured but care is taken that the life of an Arya doesn’t get entangled  in the web of social associations and institutions.

Most Revered Prof. P. S. Satsangi Sahab defines the “New World Order”: 
“Better world order is an order in which the qualities and virtues of the spirit find the fullest expression. It is neither unworldliness nor hedonistic pleasure seeking worldliness. It focuses on physical, mental and spiritual developments”. 

Aryas are tutored to develop “inner discipline”, check over stormy passions, unformidable  desires,  rash impulsive judgements, instinctual behaviour , attachment  which are the root cause of misery and pain in the world. They tread the path of world with the “virtue of detachment”. The philosophy of Aryas  is that ‘so long one stays in the world one should have only that much concern with it that is necessary for living’. They learn to conquer the mind and remain detached by developing unshakable  faith in Lord while living in the world. 

Translation of Divine Dream into Reality: Aryas of Dayalbagh! Supermen of Tomorrow!

‘Arya Nagar’ is not the dream of a scientist or a philosopher of the world with flesh, bones and skin, but it is the dream of the Supreme  Lord; Who, Mercifully Willed to evolve and craft the race of supermen. Most Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab ,the Supreme Architect Himself, radiating Supreme refulgence and Mercy, has translated the Holy dream into reality by creating -  “Aryas of  Dayalbagh ! The Supermen of Tomorrow!”  

Wrapped in celestial light, under the "Superman Evolutionary Scheme of Satsang, the ‘Aryas glorious in the might’ in the age group of 3 months  to  3 years,  ‘read the eternal deep’  under the Guidance of their Creator. In common parlance, the scheme has become popular as “Sant Su scheme”. Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab defines the Supermen of Satsang in the following words:  

“A complete man with balanced development of body, mind and spirit is  called a Superman. He will not come into existence in a day; he will evolve gradually as the human body  evolved gradually according to Darwinian principle. As is the case of the body, mind and spirit will also evolve gradually, and the spirit and mind will become so pure that a Superman will come into existence.”

Nietzchean, Shavian and Aristotelian Supermen versus Dayalbagh Supermen: A Comparative View 

The concept of Superman has found a direct or an indirect mention  in the philosophical texts since the time of Plato. Even as we move towards Indian civilization and explore the philosophical thought of Vedic culture or Upanishads, we may find references to Superman.

In 1883, the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche published a book entitled ''Thus Spoke Zarathustra'' (Also sprach Zarathustra). This philosophical treatise dealt with many of Nietzsche's ideas about the relationship between morality and humanity, and caught in the middle was the character of the ubermensch. This figure is called the “overman” or by some ‘superman’. Nietzsche urged people : 

“Behold, I teach you the Übermensch. The Übermensch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the Übermensch shall be the meaning of the earth! I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes.”

Nietzsche was the proponent of the philosophy of ‘nihilism’ which dismissed the existence of moral truths. Nietzsche visualized an atheistic vision where Christian Church was an institution that created morality in order to subjugate the masses. In the Nietzschean  worldview, the ubermensch is the person who considers the society's definition of morality as biased and socially-constructed. Denouncing the morality dictated by institutions like the Church, the ubermensch  creates his own morality, based on his own experiences  which is grounded in this secular physical world. Nietzsche believed that ubermensch would derive deep sense of morality, a steadfast purpose by evolving his own moral code. He argued that In this enlightened position, the ubermensch would be dedicated solely to the advancement and betterment of humanity. 

Dismissing  Nietzschean  belief  that a single, universal morality, giving humanity a purpose, is an illusion and  mankind has to reinvent new morals based upon Godless reality, we in Dayalbagh are reinventing mankind as also a new world, by evolving the race of supermen, who resonate the message of “Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man”. Most Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab explains ‘Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man’ : 

“Supreme Father is the fountainhead, the reservoir of the spirits; the spirits of the jivas are His parts. In this way they are born in this world as His sons and daughters. They are only rays of that source.”  

The English playwright George Bernard Shaw propounded his theory of Superman in his famous play Man and Superman. In Act lll of the play , Jack Tanner, the protagonist  has a dream where he appears as Don Juan, the man of moral passion. He engages in dialogue with three characters where speaking for Shaw, Tanner as Don Juan monopolizes the scene with lengthy monologues. The English playwright George Bernard Shaw propounded his theory of Superman in his famous play Man and Superman. In a kind of Platonic dialogue, Don Juan, the mouthpiece of Shaw, argues that the ultimate goal of man’s life is the cultivation of intellect, for only by exercising it dispassionately, can man discover his purpose, and discovering it, fulfil it. The Superman from Shaw’s play possesses - superior intellect, cunning and intuition, ability to defy obsolete moral codes and Self-defined virtues. Shaw believes in “creative evolution” which can be made possible by deliberate breeding and careful nurture, than the hazards of natural selection. According to the playwright, the institution of marriage slows down the evolution of the Superman. Shaw perceives marriage as old-fashioned and far too similar to the acquisition of property. Contrary to this negative view, Huzur Sahabji Maharaj’s dream presents an ideal concept of marriage being practised in Arya Nagar. To quote from the Holy dream of Huzur Sahabji Maharaj: 

“The conversation however revealed that marriage institution though existent, was a very simple affair in the colony. Since the Aryas aimed higher than worldly pleasures, and never kept idle, their hearts were pure and their character unblemished. Husband and wife complemented each other in their work. In the event of external aggression every child was prepared to lay down his life for the protection of the colony.
Explaining how the concept of Superman in Satsang differs from Nietzschean and Shavian concepts, Revered Prof. P. S. Satsangi Sahab writes:  

“But in Satsang we believe that as far as the spirit entities are concerned, all of them came into existence at the beginning of the creation itself. They were allotted abodes in accordance with the initial load of their karmas in Brahmand and Pind. Those spirit forces that were retained in the Nirmal Chetan Desh became blissful forever. There was no evolution in spirit forces. If at all there was any evolution it was in the physical or mental bodies or covers that the spirit forces assumed. That evolution is continuing.”

Aristotle brings out his concept of ‘magnanimous man’ in  his  famous work Nicomachean Ethics, which defines Aristotelian ethics. The treatise is considered one of the most important historical philosophical works. It deals with the well-known Socratic question “how men should best live”. Aristotle’s discussion becomes significant because it is not mere  contemplation about good living, but it also aims to create good living. He visualizes a “magnanimous man” who can be considered a “superman” possessing  the following  qualities :

“He does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but he is willing, in great crises, to give even his life--knowing that under certain conditions it is not worth-while to live. He is of a disposition to do men service, though he is ashamed to have a service done to him. To confer a kindness is a mark of superiority; to receive one is a mark of subordination...He does not take part in public displays... He is open in his dislikes and preferences; he talks and acts frankly, because of his contempt for men and things... He never feels malice, and always forgets and passes over injuries... He is not fond of talking...”
Nevertheless, Aristotle’s magnanimous man, in pursuit of good living, is not away from ‘egotism’ which is the cause of several social evils. Aristotle considers conferring kindness as a mark of superiority, but receiving as a mark of subordination. As opposed to this view, ‘humility ‘ is the distinguishing quality of Dayalbagh Superman who is taught to behave in an extremely humble manner. Pointing out the difference between the Aristotelian magnanimous man and Dayalbagh Superman, Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab states: 

“One may not like to be shown mercy by anyone else but one should beg for mercy from the Lord Almighty. Accordingly, if one is free from egotism, one would not be shy to beg for the mercy of Radhasoami Dayal. What ever our Superman may be, he would behave in an extremely humble manner.”
We must remember that the wait for the arrival of Nietzschean ubermensch, Shavian and Aristotelian Supermen has become very much like “Waiting for Godot”. These are prophetic elements in their philosophies. They believed that their superior men will one day appear to save the world, but are not, yet, persons who live or have lived amongst us. There is no existing model to emulate. Huzur Sahabji Maharaj’s Superman is already evolving in Dayalbagh, it has not remained a far -fetched utopian dream.

Aryas of Dayalbagh Experience Unique Sigma Six Q way of Dayalbagh life

‘Aryas of Dayalbagh’ experience the unique Dayalbagh way of life which  promotes better worldliness, not renunciation. Contextualizing the Dayalbagh model in the modern scientific perspective, Most Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab terms it “Sigma Six Q Model”. He explains that “Q’ stands for quality and ‘sigma’ refers to the interaction among all the six qualities. Revered Prof. P.S. Satsangi Sahab foregrounds six qualities integral to Dayalbagh way of life- Innovation in terms of modern technology, Air Quality, Water Quality, Quality of Education and Healthcare, Agriculture and Dairying and Value Based Education.

It is worth a mention that the Aryas of Dayalbagh are connected to the kinetic state of Dynamic Equilibrium. The Supermen of Dayalbagh are imbibing the highest value and quality system engrained by the Supreme Saints. The Radhasoami philosophy puts forth the notion of bipolar system.  There were two poles. The North Pole was an infinite monolith with all spirituality, values and qualities and South Pole is the present creation where we are living. In the pre-creational state, North Pole was in the state of zero meditation and South Pole was in the state of somnambulance. The south pole was not  aware of the values and qualities embodied in the North Pole. The Creator, Who was in a state of self absorption, Willed to establish a link with South Pole, by moving from potential qualities and values to kinetic values and qualities. I state with pride that the Supermen of Dayalbagh are evolving in a set -up which partakes the qualities and values of the  Highest spiritual  Region by being with their Supreme Creator all the time, in His Blissful association in the Garden of the Merciful.

Along with all good qualities endorsed by philosophers, the Superman of Dayalbagh is also learning the new polity of Satsang i.e. the principle of administration of inner self.  The Supermen of Dayalbagh are growing up in an ambrosial environment, practising Radhasoami spiritual  philosophy, which teaches the new method of devotion of uniting the spirit with the spiritual sound current.  He is taught to develop true devotion, springing directly from feelings of love for the Supreme Lord, and not out of greed or fear. By developing this true devotion they become humble, away from egotism, with the spirit  of  complete surrender before the Divine Will. 

Away from the early morning slumber, lethargy, the innocent little supermen wake up even before we hear the cock’s shrill clarion. They leap up in the mother’s arms indicating in their lexicon that ‘their day has begun’. These tiny tots, following the “Dayalbagh Way of life” are taught to pray regularly  with devotion for the purification of the body, mind and spirit.

Huzur Sahabji Maharaj revealed that the Aryas of His dream were not bound to any particular place, “blue sky was their roof.” The Holy dream is now being realized with the Aryas of “Sant Su Scheme” in Dayalbagh who are blossoming as Supermen, not in an artificial environment, but in the labs of nature, soiling their hands cheerfully, securing true surrender and true humility by performing sincere self- service. Neither the heat of summer; nor the chill of winter; nor the lashing rain can deter the little supermen.  Working in the agricultural fields in the early morning with their beloved Supreme Lord at work Himself, they develop the spirit of brotherhood of man, societal commitment, discipline, ability for hard work, selfless service to society, humility, co-operative spirit and dignity of labour. 

Blue Sky is the roof of ‘Aryas of Dayalbagh’ 

The supermen are complete humans, thus participation in musical and other cultural activities is encouraged to humanize them. It’s a pure delight watching these budding supermen learning languages like Sanskrit, English and Hindi at the DEI  (i-c-n-c) TALL as part of the early language enhancement skills.  
‘Aryas of Dayalbagh’ participating in cultural programme
Supermen of Dayalbagh at (i-c-n-c-) TALL DEI learning Sanskrit rhymes
Whether it is early morning and evening prayer or working in fields or rendering security duties in the Dayalbagh colony in the scorching heat of May and June or participating in cultural activities or recitation of devotional lyrics, their smiling faces, twinkling eyes, loud musical shouts of joy, swaying hands leave even their parents speechless. 

As we watch the  ‘Aryas of Dayalbagh’, we  celebrate with William Wordsworth the childhood glory, ‘the soul’s immensity buried within the tiny frame’  always  connected with the Divine:
Mighty Prophet! Seer blest! 
On whom those truths do rest, 
Which we are toiling all our lives to find, 
In darkness lost, the darkness of the grave; 
Thou, over whom thy Immortality 
Broods like the Day, a Master o'er a Slave, 
A Presence which is not to be put by; 
Thou little Child, yet glorious in the might, 
Of heaven-born freedom on thy being's height.

I conclude with deep conviction that the little Aryas, leading the ‘Sigma Six Q way of Dayalbagh life’, would convert the world into a big Arya Nagar. The conversion of the world into a big Arya Nagar is the only elixir to redeem the wailing humanity, wreathing  in the cage of casteism, racism, materialism and sectarianism.

Further, contextualizing the Supreme Saint’s dream in the era of Superintelligent machines, I assert that the supermen endowed with qualities and values, engaged in a new method of devotion, spreading the message of ‘Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man’ would control and prevent the misuse of Superintelligent machines, thus bringing respite to the anxious and worried scientists, about “Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (Max Tegmark, 2017). The machines developed by supermen, through coordination, innovation, qualities and values would be beneficial for the society and mankind.

As “The Aryas of Dayalbagh, the Supermen of Satsang” march ahead with heads held high, spreading light in this dark world, they have on their lips, the following words of their Creator:
“Let there be the Kingdom of the Spirit,
Let there be the spirit’s empire!
Let there be the Empire of the Supreme Spirit!”  


  1. Words fell short to extend gratitude, for such an eye opening interpretation of The Divine Dream, with present times, and could just say Thank you. Thank you very much.

  2. The 'Aryas' of Dayalbagh a.k.a supermen of Dayalbagh embody values based on the precept of 'Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Mankind '.

  3. Bemisaal Hasbehal
    Chalo He Jhuljulal.
    It all His own mercy menifesting through Sant Su Scheme at Dayalbagh- The Arya Nagar on this Blessed Earth.

  4. Great way to start inculcating satsang values .....

  5. The writing itself seems divine! I repetitively say how fortunate we are to witness this era of Satsang history... words can't express the emotions..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Very well articulated and beautifully and aptly stated that this is a beautiful exemplification of becoming perfect human beings.

  8. Radhasoami.
    Thank you for writing and posting this blog. I need a help.
    The "Dream within a Dream" of Param Guru Sahabji Maharaj, published in the 22nd Feb 2005 issue of e-Herald, formed the basis on which Dayalbagh as a colony was conceived. Unfortunately, the pdf of this issue is not active and I am not able to access it. I recall having read it in one of the sacred books, but despite my efforts, I am not able to trace it. I had written an email to the e-Herald requesting them for help but they have not responded to it.
    I will be deeply obliged if you can provide me the reference of the scared book where I can read this important "bachan" of Dream within a Dream of Param Guru Sahabji Maharaj.
    Thanking you.
    Warm regards,
    Vikas Rai Bhatnagar

    1. Ra Dha Sva Aah Mi Vikas Ji , You can find the English Version of the Arya Nagar Dream in E-herald dated Friday February 11, 2011.
      WHR .. Atlanta Satsangi

  9. I wish if I were a tiny tot of Dayalbagh Evolutionary Superman Scheme!!!

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