Monday 11 December 2017

The Business Advisory Clinic of Dayalbagh Educational Institute

Sir Anand Sarup Sahab presented a Memorandum on Dayalbagh to the Unemployment Committee of “United Provinces”, when it held its sittings in Dayalbagh on 13th and 14th of March 1935. This “Memorandum on Dayalbagh” was subsequently printed in a Supplement to the Dayalbagh Herald on April 15, 1935.

This Memorandum with immense foresight states, “But, unfortunately, very few people in India really care for the development of Industries. The majority of the people are of the opinion that, India being primarily an agricultural country, the solution of its unemployment cum poverty problem lies in the improvement of its agriculture and dairy farms. But this is an absolutely wrong notion.”

REI Building in all its splendor

Dayalbagh’s (and Dayalbagh Educational Institute’s) focus is on helping its community members (and students) setup and efficiently, ethically and profitably run nano and micro enterprises and industrial units which provide local employment opportunities with low upfront capital requirements.

Today, we have Prof. Santi Swarup Kandikonda, writing about the 
“Business Advisory Clinic” of Dayalbagh Educational Institute
that we are all familiar with which provides guidance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) Entrepreneurs every morning in the Fields.

Prof.  Swarup is Professor in the Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI) and Coordinator of the Business Advisory Clinic.

Warm Regards,

Prof. Swarup writes…

On the recommendation of Advisory Committee on Education (ACE), Dayalbagh Educational Institutions, Business Advisory Clinic (BAC) was started in the Faculty of Social Sciences, DEI on 4th September 2005. The Clinic is actively involved in the guidance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) since its inception. The Clinic has handled 10,160+ cases under the Guidance of Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi, Chairman, ACE, Dayalbagh Educational Institutions, both from India (mainly) and abroad.

BAC has a twin objective of advice to small business as well as developing case studies and share real life experiences with MBA students. It has developed 30 case studies which are discussed with the MBA students every year. Also, the students take up projects and study problems of Agra MSMEs using various techniques under guidance of the In-charge Business Advisory Clinic. The Clinic gives advice to clients every day.

Advising and Learning

Advice given to clients (MSMEs)
The clients approach the Business Advisory Clinic with their problems and advice is given to them. These problems are related to starting a business, expansion or diversification of an existing business, not being able to meet expenses in a business, continuously running in losses, evaluating new proposals, increasing sales etc. During the last 4.5 years, the Clinic has given advice in 3,771 business cases.

Client of BAC

Client of BAC

Cases developed for class discussion
The cases developed in the Business Advisory Clinic are discussed with the MBA students. Some of the cases developed are listed below:
  1. Feasibility of a Tire Recycling Plant: A Case Study on Self reflection
  2. Profitability at any cost: A Case Study on Business Ethics
  3. Cut your coat according to your cloth: A Case Study on Strategy Development for small business using SWOT analysis.
  4. Nextgen IT: A Case Study on Business Analysis at 3 levels
  5. Is there a way out: A Case Study on Debt trap
  6. Ace the Interview: A Case Study on critical success factors and counselling intervention for Interview Success
  7. True Empowerment lies within: A Short Case Study on holistic life management
  8. Go it alone: A Case Study on Decision making using small data
  9. Projects appraised & under appraisal

Class Discussion of Cases

The clients who approach the Clinic with the idea of starting a new business are advised to prepare a Detailed Project Report and the vetting of the same is done and risk minimization is ensured.

Business Feedback
Regularly feedback is taken on the performance of the business. Also challenges faced by the new businesses. The feedback received by clients enables us to guide the newer cases better.

Client of BAC

Student visits to local Business
As a part of their projects, students are encouraged to visit the local business and identify the issues using SWOT analysis or Critical Success Factors, Porter’s Five Force Model etc.

Visiting Local Businesses

Visiting Local Businesses

Invited talks on Entrepreneurship

Development and Risk Mitigation Strategies for MSMEs
Ontario Centers of Excellence, Canada
Techniques for Counseling and Enhancing Risk Consciousness of MSMEs in India using case study approach
University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Techniques for Enhancing Risk Consciousness of MSMEs in India using Experiential approach
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Seminars and Conferences attended & papers presented

Conference Displays

Title of the paper
Name of the Conference/ Seminar
Organized by
Is entrepreneurship decision of university students a conscious choice? A study of an Indian University using Triangulation Approach

The Science of Consciousness (TSC 2016)
University of Arizona, US.
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas in Finance: An Experiential Approach
Ethical Issues in Accounting, Finance and Taxation- 2016
Faculty of Commerce, DEI
Is Investment Decision of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) A Conscious Choice? A study of Indian MSMEs Using Multiple Case Study Approach

Toward A Science of Consciousness (TSC) 2015
University of Helsinki, Finland
Enhancing Risk Consciousness through Self reflection:  A case Study of an Indian Entrepreneur.

Toward A Science of Consciousness(TSC) 2014
Univ. of Arizona, USA
Transformative Learning through Self Reflection for Enhancing Individual and Group Job Interview Consciousness: A Case Study

Brain, Mind and Consciousness (BMC 2014)
Dept. of Psychology, DEI
Development of Consciousness Model for Analyzing Job to
Business Decision: An Experiential Study

Toward A Science of Consciousness (2013)
DEI & Univ of Arizona

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