Thursday 16 May 2019

Dayalbagh Educational Institute: Spearheading evolution from Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritualis

Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi while addressing the gathering at the Annual Prize Distribution Function of Dayalbagh Educational Institute's (DEI) Technical College on May 21, 2003 stated that, “The vision of the Founder of Dayalbagh and this Technical College, His Holiness Sir Sahabji Maharaj, was to bring up institutions to serve as models to all those working for the uplift of humanity, whose alumni will be healthy and hard working, not shirk from manual labour and respect those who till and toil with their hands”. DEI continues to work on making this Vision a reality.

In our post today, we have Prof. Prem Kumar Kalra, the Director of Dayalbagh Educational Institute walk us through the approach of the Institute, its past, its present and what plans are there for the future.

Remain committed to selfless service.

Dayalbagh Educational Institute:
Spearheading evolution from Homo Sapiens to Homo Spiritualis

Prof. Kalra writes...

The Dayalbagh Educational Institute was founded in 1917 as a co-educational middle school, the Radhasoami Educational Institute, by the August founder of Dayalbagh, Sir Anand Sarup. The Dayalbagh community emphasizes nurturing of one’s spiritual and intuitive faculties through Surat Shabd Yoga. Dayalbagh itself is a century-old, living example of cooperative co-existence, self-sufficiency and self-reliance, untouched by the swinging pendulum of inflation, and DEI was nurtured with these same set of values, practices and morals.

DEI: Hallowed Corridors of Learning
Foreseeing the challenges of the future, the founders of DEI emphasized skilling and the importance of working with one’s own hands. In 1917, an industrial park called Model Industries was established in Dayalbagh, which offered opportunities for apprenticeship to students at the middle school level, in addition to providing employment to the community’s residents. Vocationalization of skills was thus integrated into DEI education from its inception.

Skilling in the AAM Karkhana
In 1916, community-based farming was initiated on a small scale, which grew into full-fledged agricultural operations on 1250 acres of land by 1941. Daily field work is part of life for every member of the Dayalbagh community. Dayalbagh also set up Asia’s best Dairy processing plant in 1926, and these initiatives created a sustainable model of living and material minimalism.

Children of REI: Bonding with Mother Earth
DEI’s education is rooted in its Educational Policy of 1975, the Architect of which was Revered Prof. Makund Behari Lal Sahab, Himself an outstanding academician, teacher and educationist. An alumnus of Lucknow University, He went on to obtain the D.Sc. degree in Zoology from the University of Edinburgh and returned to Lucknow University eventually becoming its Vice-Chancellor. And through His dedicated effort, Government of India conferred the status of a Deemed University on Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI) on 16th May, 1981.

The mission objective of DEI education is to evolve a complete person through physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical integration. The Policy, which is rooted in Indian culture, philosophy and spirituality, outlines how this may be achieved via its Aims & Objectives, Educational and Organizational structures.

The DEI Education Policy was a disruptive innovation in higher education and followed a systems approach that integrated social and environmental systems with formal systems of education. This allowed DEI to evolve at the pace at which social needs and the world order was changing. It benefited society at large by encouraging sustainable, frugal innovation through optimization of economy, energy and resources. The Education Policy also emphatically enunciated the centrality of values-based education and ‘excellence with relevance’, and this is practiced throughout DEI, from pre-primary to higher education.

Values instilled in our minds and inscribed on the walls of REI Hall
A unique aspect of DEI is the integration of education from pre-nursery to Ph.D. on the one side, and skilling to entrepreneurship as part of formal education on the other. The opportunity for mobility from general to skill-based education and vice versa through well-defined pathways has spurred creativity, frugal innovation and an entrepreneurial mindset in our students. Introduction of vocational courses (B.Voc. and M.Voc.) at Bachelor’s and Master’s level has taken skilling education to the next level. Synthesis of mainstream education and entrepreneurship has led to “Earn while Learn”, on-campus enterprises in dairy, food processing, automobiles, apparel design etc. These opportunities provide students with a means to support their education.

B. Voc. Dairy Students
DEI has created an ecosystem that encourages innovative ideas from young students on socially relevant problems, and we have tried to facilitate the transformation of these ‘idea quanta’ into frugal or jugaad solutions. We call this harnessing of small, frugal innovations ‘Quantum Jugaad’, and it has led to the creation of many student-run, on-campus enterprises. These naturally evolving, and exponentially growing student-run enterprises have given an entrepreneurial flavor to teaching and learning. But the meaning of entrepreneurship here is not innovation that leads to revenue-driven venture creation, but rather, the creation of value through social, economic or environmental ventures that benefit the lowest and the least among our masses.

DEI Quantum Jugaad: Incubating Nano Enterprises
Innovation, whether incremental, procedural, need-based or blue ocean type, always follows the SIGMA SIX Q framework of the Institute, which weaves six basic threads together, and emphasizes in improving the QUALITY(Q) of life. The sum (Sigma) of these six is greater than the individual parts. The areas are:
(i) Innovation including generation & use of renewable energy
(ii) Water quality
(iii) Air quality
(iv) Education and healthcare
(v) Agriculture and dairy practices
(vi) Quality and Values.

The Sigma Six Q Model

I would like to discuss here the link between innovation and system thinking in education. Innovation is not driven by technology alone (hardwired innovation); it can as well be driven by a change in one’s way of thinking, or through emergence of new knowledge, or even a change in the mindset that one brings to a problem (soft innovation). Educational institutes can innovate by providing new learning organizations and new pathways such as skill development and opportunities for analysis, synthesis, experiential experiments, teaching- learning methodologies and creative technological interventions. These then lead to innovative design of curricula, emergence of new knowledge and new pathways for student mobility. Ecology, energy and economy optimization too, are good reasons to motivate creative innovation. A combination of these ideas leads to frugal innovation that evolves continuously and dynamically over all time to come.

At the IITs, Prof. P. K. Kelkar introduced science-based engineering education that included social sciences. This approach gave young engineering graduates a wide knowledge base, and an edge in solving complex social problems economically, by using local resources. Prof. Mo Jamshidi of University of Texas, was of the view that methods of education must be refined and expanded to meet changing needs from a system to a system-of-systems vision, from a disciplinary to a multidisciplinary outlook, from a steady state to a real-time perspective, and from an optimal to an adaptive approach.

Innovative evolutionary approach in our education conforms to the philosophy of “Renaissance Man” by Prof. Jay W. Forrester of MIT, one who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences. Such a person tries to see common elements in diverse settings and thus creates transfer-ability between diverse structures, which is one of the hallmarks of the systems approach.

Norbert Wiener’s prediction in 1950 that electronic computers were capable of taking over many human decision-making processes has come true today, raising an array of crucial ethical and moral issues: Are humans in danger of becoming slaves to these machines? Will such machines have autonomous thinking and resultant morals, or will the designers consciously or unconsciously build into them their own moral values? And who we will turn to for proper answers? Prof. Rajaraman says that common-sense knowledge, religious beliefs, and consciousness will be the drivers, and we, at DEI, have set ourselves the huge challenge of not only instilling in our students the thought process to address social change, but also how to adopt and adapt technology to answer some of the questions raised above.

Under the guidance and direction of Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi the scientific study of consciousness and ultra-transcendental meditation is undertaken at DEI’s Centre for Consciousness Studies. Experiential knowledge of 150 years of spiritual practice by the members of the Dayalbagh community has given DEI a living laboratory to analyse the phenomena of consciousness practically, as also the effects of ultra-transcendental meditation. But this, much required discipline is yet to become part of formal education elsewhere.

'The Science of Consciousness (TSC)' Conference at DEI

DEI aims to become a leading research-cum-teaching institute in Consciousness Studies. In DEI this pursuit is carried out by bringing together teachers, researchers and students from various disciplines like psychology and cognitive science, physics, mathematics, life science, language studies, arts and music, engineering management etc. This truly trans-disciplinary study has unfolded many aspects of human behavior, psychology and functioning of the brain. Rigorous scientific research is being carried out to understand the experiential science through experimental techniques.

The Strategic Plan will be anchored by an accountability framework through measurable inputs and deliverables that monitor progress towards our goals. Over the next five years, building on our foundational strengths and propelled by the promises outlined in this Strategic Plan, DEI will emerge as an institute with excellence in specific disciplines and strong societal outreach that delivers holistic education to every learner.

Total Quality Management in Higher Education
The DEI will leverage its strength, taking advantage of the opportunities to overcome the existing weaknesses to reach the goals. We will allocate our resources in the areas that sets us apart and will align our future resources with the upcoming deliverables to become leading research and teaching institute in agriculture, entrepreneurship and consciousness while sustaining other areas of research in the institute. Learning ecosystem in DEI will be enhanced through experiential learning by connecting class rooms, labs and research to real world problems.

DEI’s Strategic Plan charts the distinctive course expected of an institution with a long and distinguished history. It builds on the traditions of excellence established by our founders, with a clear view of our strengths, opportunities and weaknesses.

DEI has chalked out a bold 15-year strategic plan (Vision 2031) and aspires to become an Institution of Excellence in the areas of Consciousness, Agriculture and Entrepreneurship. I do not think any other institute offers such a broad spectrum of integration on one platform.

We hope to help in the creation of a race of ‘Supermen’, who would be set apart from the rest of humanity, by their quality, character, behavior, values and ideals, and their desire to serve. The recent scheme of Evolutionary Superman (popularly known as the ‘Sant-Su Scheme’) for children of age 3-months to 3- years is the first step in this journey. As regular participants in the agricultural field work every day, these children gain good sanskaras from a very tender age. In 2018, we were happy to host them at DEI on our Founder’s Day, and we consider them our pre-pre-nursery students!

Supermen in the making: Learning to cohabit on our planet

Saturday 4 May 2019

शिक्षा के माध्यम से महिला सशक्तिकरण

This is a translation of our post from 18th August 2017 on “Empowering Women through Education”

गांधी जी का कथन है कि यदि हम एक पुरुष को शिक्षित करते हैं, तो केवल एक व्यक्ति ही शिक्षित होता है, लेकिन एक महिला को शिक्षित करने से पूरा समाज शिक्षित होता है।

मेरी माँ, मौसियाँ व दयालबाग़ की उनकी अन्य हमउम्र स्त्रियों का शिक्षा का स्तर अचंभित करता है। यहाँ कई महिलाएँ डॉक्टरेट की डिग्री युक्त हैं और कोई भी महिला स्नातक डिग्री से वंचित नज़र नहीं आती।

भारत के सेंसस आँकड़ो के अनुसार सन् 1951 तक महिला शिक्षा 8.81% थी और सन् 1961 में यह 15.35% हो गई। उस समय वे सभी शिक्षित माने जाते थे जो पाँच वर्ष आयु से अधिक के थे और लिखा हुआ पढ़ सकते थे। उसी समय, यानी की 1950-60 में दयालबाग़ में एक ऐसा महिला समाज था जहाँ सभी महिलाएँ 100% पढ़ी लिखी थीं और कई युवा महिला स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर या डॉक्टरेट की डिग्री धारी थीं।

आज की पोस्ट में हम 60 वर्ष पूर्व सन 1955-60 के समय को चित्रित कर रहे हैं जब दयालबाग़ में शिक्षा द्वारा महिलाओं को सबल और प्रगतिशील बनाया जा रहा था।

यह लेख डॉ दयाल प्यारी सिंह द्वारा वर्णित है, जो कि प्रेम विद्यालय गर्ल्ज़ इंटर कॉलेज की पूर्व छात्रा हैं व उन्होने बीऐ व बीटी विमेंस ट्रेनिंग कॉलेज दयालबाग़ से सन् 1958-59 में की। तत्पश्चात वह निरंतर आगे बढ़ते हुए महारानी लक्ष्मीबाई गर्ल्ज़ पोस्ट ग्रैजूएट शासकीय (स्वशासी) महाविद्यालय, भोपाल की प्रचार्या बनीं तथा शिक्षा के कार्य को आगे बढ़ाने का नेतृत्व किया।


डॉ दयाल प्यारी सिंह लिखती हैं...

शिक्षा के माध्यम से महिला सशक्तिकरण

दयालबाग़ की नीव 20 जनवरी 1915 में, बसंत पंचमी के पावन दिन, परम श्रद्धेय सर आनंद स्वरूप जी ने, अपने अनुयाईयों के लिए एक आश्रम व आध्यात्मिक गृह के रूप में डाली थी। स्थापना के अगले ही दिन दयालबाग़ में प्रथम भवन निर्माण की नींव रखी गयी, जो की शिक्षा के लिए थी। यही भवन राधास्वामी एजुकेशनल इन्स्टिट्यूट (REI) तथा बाद में दयालबाग़ एजुकेशनल इन्स्टिट्यूट (DEI) बना। परम पूज्य आनंद स्वरूप जी ने कटीली झाड़ियों व धारदार पौधों से लदी रेतीली ज़मीन पर अपनी छड़ी से पोईया घाट के समानांतर, दक्षिण से उत्तर तक एक सीधी रेखा खींच दी। इस सीधी रेखा ने शीघ्र अपना आकार, श्रद्धेय मेहता जी महाराज की देख रेख में, एक बड़े निर्माण का रूप धारण किया। इसके लाल ईंट से निर्मित बड़े आकार के गॉथिक घुमावदार आर्चेज़ (तोरन) सूर्य की लाल-लाल किरणों से एकीकृत हो अति आकर्षक नज़ारा पेश करते हैं।

राधास्वामी एजुकेशनल इन्स्टिट्यूट का भवन

शिक्षा प्रणाली में आरम्भ से ही (1 जनवरी 1917) अनेक उच्च स्तरीय क्रियाएँ शामिल थीं जो कि नींव के संस्थापक के महान दूरदर्शी स्वप्न का प्रतीक हैं। उनमें से एक उल्लेखनीय प्रगतिशील क्रिया थी सह-शिक्षा। आरम्भ से ही पहली से पाँचवी कक्षा तक के लड़के-लड़कियों के लिए सह-शिक्षा (co-educational classes) का प्रबंध व आयोजन किया गया। यह वह समय था जब माता-पिता लड़कियों को पढ़ने भेजने में हिचकिचाते थे, वहीं दयालबाग़ में ऐसा स्कूल था जहाँ लड़के लड़कियाँ साथ पढ़ायी करते थे।

14 अक्टूबर 1918 को राधास्वामी सतसंग सभा ने एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रस्ताव को पारित किया जिससे दयालबाग़ में रहने वाले लड़के व लड़कियों को प्राइमरी शिक्षा ग्रहण करना अनिवार्य किया गया। भारत में उस समय डेढ़ प्रतिशत महिलाएँ साक्षर थीं। उसी बैठक में लड़कियों के लिए मिडल व सीनीयर स्कूल खोलने के प्रस्ताव को भी सहमति मिली।

परम श्रद्धेय आनंद स्वरूप जी का विश्वास था कि बच्चों के चरित्र निर्माण में महिलाओं की अति महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है। उन्होंने स्पष्ट रूप से, प्रभावशाली शब्दों में कहा कि आनेवाली पीढ़ी के मानसिक, नैतिक व आध्यात्मिक विकास महिलाओं पे निर्भर है। उन्होंने आगे कहा कि हमें समझ लेना चाहिए कि जब तक लड़कियों का पालन-पोषण व उनकी शिक्षा ठीक ढंग से क्रियान्वित नहीं की जाएगी, तब तक सतसंग समाज उन्नति नहीं कर सकता।

उनका सोचना था कि भारत की उन्नति स्त्रियों पर निर्भर है और वह चाहते थे कि सतसंगी इस बात पर ख़ास ध्यान देवें और अपनी बेटियों व बहनों की शिक्षा हेतु सही इंतज़ाम करें।

विमेंस ट्रेनिंग कॉलेज के अध्यापक

इसी विचार को कार्यान्वित कर छात्राओं के लिए सन् 1930 में एक मिडिल स्कूल, प्रेम विद्यालय आरम्भ किया गया जिसे चार वर्ष बाद हाई स्कूल और तत्पश्चात 1939 में इंटर्मीडीयट तक उन्नत किया गया।

परम श्रद्धेय मेहता जी महाराज ने स्त्री शिक्षा को आगे बढ़ाने हेतु विचार अत्यंत प्रेरणादायी शब्दों में अभिव्यक्त किए कि भारत अपनी महिला समुदाय से आशा करता है कि वे अपने अंदर शिक्षा की लौ प्रज्वलित करेंगी तथा ज्ञान की रोशनी से अपने चारों ओर फैले अज्ञान के अंधकार को दूर कर, घृणा, आपसी लड़ायी-झगड़े को हटाकर, प्रेम व शांति का वातावरण निर्मित करेंगी।

सन् 1947 में विमेंस ट्रेनिंग कॉलेज के उद्घाटन के अवसर पर परम श्रद्धेय मेहता जी ने कहा कि मैनेजिंग कमिटी आर ई आइ ने विमेंस ट्रेनिंग कॉलेज (WTC) आरम्भ किया है ताकि युवा महिलाएँ जिन्हें स्नातक उपाधि प्राप्त है, उन्हें नौकरी के लिए कार्य कुशलता की ट्रेनिंग दी जा सके। उन्होंने यह भी फ़रमाया कि उनका विश्वास है कि पढ़ी लिखी युवा महिलाएँ अपने घर व बाहर एक आदर्श उदाहरण स्थापित करेंगी।

सुखिया बहेनजी - प्राध्यापिका

मेरा जन्म बाँदा ज़िला, उत्तर प्रदेश में हुआ, जहाँ पर लड़कियों की शिक्षा हेतु दसवीं कक्षा तक का एक सरकारी स्कूल था। वर्ष 1954 में मेरे माता पिता ने हम भाई बहनों को दयालबाग़ भेज दिया जहाँ शिक्षा की पूर्ण सुविधाएँ थीं। शिक्षा का स्तर उँचा था, वातावरण सुंदर, सुरक्षित उच्च मूल्यों व आदर्शों से परिपूर्ण था।

जब मैं अपनी बहनों के साथ दयालबाग़ आई तो पाया कि लड़कियों की शिक्षा पर यहाँ विशेष ज़ोर था तथा किसी प्रकार का जात-पात, रंग-भेद, ऊँच-नीच आदि का नामोनिशान नहीं था। स्वस्थ वातावरण गवाह था कि प्रत्येक छात्रा अच्छी शिक्षा प्राप्त करेगी। प्रेम विद्यालय तथा विमेंस ट्रेनिंग कॉलेज ने लड़कियों को सबल  सशक्त बनाने में बहुत ही अहम भूमिका अदा की है। छात्रा के सर्वागीण विकास ही संस्थाओं का लक्ष्य था और इसी कारण पास के शहरों  राज्यों से छात्राएँ यहाँ पढ़ने आती थीं। शिक्षक वर्ग उच्च स्तरीय शिक्षा प्राप्त था। योग्य छात्राओं हेतु विशेष छात्रवृति का प्रबन्ध था।

एक अन्य उल्लेखनीय श्रेत्र वोकेशनल शिक्षा का था मुझे व मेरी बहनों व अन्य छात्राओं को उचित नौकरी प्राप्त करने में इस कारण बहुत मदद मिली। आज यह पूर्व छात्राएँ शिक्षा जगत के उच्च पदों पर स्थापित हैं तथा महाविद्यालय की यादें दिल में संजोये हैं।

यूथ फ़ेस्टिवल टीम तीन मूर्ति भवन में

कॉलेज द्वारा प्रस्तुत सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम उच्च स्तर के होते थे। मुझे व मेरी सहपाठी छात्राओं को दिल्ली के तालकटोरा ग्राउंड में आयोजित यूथ फ़ेस्टिवल में, आगरा यूनिवर्सिटी का प्रतिनिधित्व करने का सौभाग्य भी प्राप्त हुआ। WTC का समूह नृत्य बहुत सराहा गया व राष्ट्रपति भवन के at home व तीन मूर्ति भवन में पंडित नेहरु ने हमारा मनोबल बढ़ाया।

खेलकूद भी स्त्री शिक्षा का अभिन्न अंग था, जिसमें वॉलीबॉल, खो-खो और कबड्डी लड़कियों के मनपसंद खेल थे। कॉलेज के NCC विंग में हर रविवार राइफ़ल शूटिंग व परेड में छात्रायें शामिल होती थीं।

आज भी यह मूल्यपरख शिक्षा, महिलाओं के सर्वांगीण विकास हेतु आयोजित होती है और महिला सशक्तिकरण को मजबूती प्रदान कर रही है

Sunday 14 April 2019

Dayalbagh: An Eco-Village

A Wikipedia article defines Eco-Villages as "... traditional or intentional community with the goal of becoming more socially, culturally, economically, and ecologically sustainable. It is consciously designed through locally owned, participatory processes to regenerate and restore its social and natural environments".

A tree-laden road within Dayalbagh

The article further states, "Eco-villagers are united by shared ecological, social-economic and cultural-spiritual values. Concretely, eco-villagers seek alternatives to ecologically destructive electrical, water, transportation, and waste-treatment systems, as well as the larger social systems that mirror and support them. Many see the breakdown of traditional forms of community, wasteful consumerist lifestyles, the destruction of natural habitat, urban sprawl, factory farming, and over-reliance on fossil fuels as trends that must be changed to avert ecological disaster and create richer and more fulfilling ways of life".

And what better example of an eco-village than Dayalbagh. Dayalbagh is more like a small town, with 2,500+ permanent residents, the population increasing manifold during Basant, Holi and Bhandara weeks with the influx of pilgrims. Additionally, its way of life thinking and practices influence the communities around Dayalbagh.

Our post below is on practices followed in Dayalbagh, the eco-village.

Go green,
Dayalbagh, an eco-village

Eco-villages are urban or rural communities of people who strive to integrate a supportive social environment with a low-impact way of life. To achieve this, they integrate various aspects of ecological design, permaculture, ecological building, green production, alternative energy, community building practices, and much more. Eco-villages are living models of sustainability. They represent an effective, accessible way to combat the degradation of our social, ecological, and spiritual environments.

Dayalbagh is an eco-village/city, quiet and peaceful with a largely self-sustaining agricultural production, water harvesting and increasing use of renewable solar energy.

Prem Nagar, a Mohalla in Dayalbagh

Education, agriculture and industries prosper in harmonious and ecologically sustainable manner. Dayalbagh is greener and more sustainable since its foundation in 1915, even though its population has increased. Dayalbagh’s eco-development, presents an admirable combination of material and spiritual development. It represents a classic case of self-sustained eco-friendly existence of human settlement in close harmony with the nature.


Civic affairs are managed through a committee of elected representatives under the overall supervision and control of a primary committee. The eco-village is divided into mohallas, with each having a Sarpanch and Panches for different activities of the mohallas.  Honorary services are imparted by the residents of the village.

Water and Electricity Supply
Water supply to the village is provided through tube wells. To sustain ground water levels, rain water harvesting schemes have been implemented. For electricity needs the village bulk purchases are made from M/S Torrent Power Ltd. To ensure uninterrupted electricity supply, the village also has its own back up generation facility. There is also an increasing use of solar power. Solar powered lights have been installed in open spaces within and outside the village in selected areas and also for street lighting. Solar power units are installed in all institutional buildings. Moreover, to reduce power consumption, LED lights are used to the maximum possible extent.

Renewable Power at Dayalbagh

Renewable Power in Cooking Applications

Community Kitchen
Bhandar Ghar is the Rasoi (Kitchen) which prepares lunch and dinner for the residents of the Dayalbagh colonies and for the visitors.

The raw material like wheat, rice, lentils, mustard oil, vegetables including potatoes and onions are grown and produced in the Dayalbagh fields with selfless service of the Dayalbagh Residents and Visitors. The Bhandar Ghar has minimal number of regular staff and the major part of the operation is supported by teams of volunteers in the age group of 18 to 90 yrs.

Bhandar Ghar: The Community Kitchen

Sewage and Garbage Disposal
There is a regular sewage system and garbage disposal. Garbage disposal includes segregation of biodegradable (kitchen waste) and non-biodegradable waste at each house of the village. There are well established treatment facilities for effluents. Treated water is used for irrigation.

Aeration Ponds

Security and Surveillance
Safety and Security of the colony is maintained by day and night patrolling (pehra) in shifts by the residents. Community policing through watch and ward department is performed for safeguarding public property. Most recently, CCTV cameras have been installed at various locations in the village which are also monitored by the residents.

The streets are patrolled by Residents at Night

Educational Hub
Education from the pre-nursery to the Ph.D. level and beyond is imparted through DEI. Additionally, the village has a School of Languages to teach regional and foreign languages, a School of Art and Culture to provide training in music, dance and handicrafts, a Tailoring school for empowerment of women from the weaker sections of the society, an Indian Music Training Center and a School of Dress Designing and Interior Decoration. A Day Boarding School has also been set up to provide special tutorial teaching to the students of under privileged families who do not have adequate facilities at home.

Primary School in Dayalbagh

Economical Agriculture and Farming
The topography of the land was initially dominated by ravines, low mounds, patches of rocks and stones and alkaline soil, sand dunes and patches of reeds and weeds, lying as waste-land. Since 1942 under the ‘Grow more food’ campaign, the uneven and unproductive barren lands have gradually been made suitable for cultivation. Today, in the Dayalbagh area, there are nearly 1531 acres of agricultural farms where cereals, pulses, oil seeds, vegetables, fruits, cash crops (potato, sugarcane, etc.) and fodder are cultivated. Farming activities are eco-friendly and based on organic farming techniques that helps in soil conservation and enrichment.

Residents, Students and Pilgrims performing Agriculture work

Both traditional and modern agricultural practices are adopted here. Agriculture is supplemented by Gaushala wastes for meeting out its manure requirement. Cooperative efforts are made in performing different agricultural activities and no chemical substances like insecticides, fungicides, weedicides or chemical fertilizers are used. The agricultural produce of Dayalbagh is sufficient to meet the requirement of the residents and the pilgrims who come for short visits.

Fodder for the Cattle at Dayalbagh Dairy

Horticultural activities are practiced in Dayalbagh: there are orchards of mango, Jack fruit (Artocarpus spp.), Guava (Psidium) and various citrus species along with many other fruit trees to provide large canopy cover as well as a supply of some fruit.
Healthy Diet: Horticulture - Kinnow Plantation

Cattle Yard and Dairy
Dayalbagh has its own cattle yard with over 800 head of cattle which fulfills the milk requirement of the residents. Its fodder requirements are met internally round the year. Animal waste is recycled and used as manure in fields. The dairy produces pasteurized milk and several milk products employing the most advanced techniques. These products are also sent outside the country.

Retirement Home for Older Cattle

Green Belt
The construction of green-belts has been an important feature of land use planning in Dayalbagh. These are in the form of a tree corridor all along the Yamuna river bank, in agricultural and farming areas, and, areas earmarked for timber plantation.

Ecology and Biodiversity in the Green Belt
The western part of Dayalbagh eco-village has triangular patches of dense plantations reaching the bank of the Yamuna. While most of the uneven land has been leveled and converted into well-formed green fields, in some areas the uneven topography remains. This area is being used for cultivating crops such as taramira, growing trees such as amla and some timber plantation. An orchard of citrus fruits has also been established in this area.

Two species, Prosopis and Acacia are also maintained in the region.

Waste Treatment: Composting
In Dayalbagh, domestic waste is mostly organic, and each member of the population produces approximately 200 kg of organic solid waste per year. Other sources include garden litter and wastes from dairy sheds, etc. The residents segregate the wastes into biodegradable and non-biodegradable material which is collected: pooled biodegradable wastes are directly sent to composting sites while non-biodegradable materials are sent to recycling points.

The most popular modes of transport in the area are bicycles and cycle rickshaws; efforts are on restrict the number of fossil-fuel driven vehicles in this area to reduce congestion and to accompanying noise and air pollution. Within the Dayalbagh colony, transport is provided by electric vehicles and rickshaws.

Electric Vehicle, ready to ferry Residents and Visitors

Dayalbagh has grown into a center of high spiritual, academic and moral values and has provided solace, satisfaction, peace and enlightenment to its residents and visitors who come in thousands seeking inner and outer peace.